Capital Raising Blog

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Real estate investing isn't just about making money—it's about building empires. And in the cutthroat world of real estate syndication, attracting investors is the name of the game. But let’s face it, without a killer strategy, your capital raising dreams can quickly turn into nightmares. We're here to turn that around.

BY: MARISA AMIRIAN Published on: 06/19/2024


5 Surefire Ways to Make Sure Your Emails Actually Land in Investors' Inboxes

5 Surefire Ways to Make Sure Your Emails Actually Land in Investors' Inboxes

5 Surefire Ways to Make Sure Your Emails Actually Land in Investors' InboxesBy: Marisa Amirian
Published on: 04/01/2024

Here we discuss best email practices for deliverability so that you will definitely end up in your investors inbox.

Pros & Cons of HTML vs. Plain Text Email for Marketing

Pros & Cons of HTML vs. Plain Text Email for Marketing

Pros & Cons of HTML vs. Plain Text Email for MarketingBy: Marisa Amirian
Published on: 04/26/2023

Email marketing has long been a reliable and cost-effective way to communicate with customers and promote products or services. With the increasing popularity of email marketing, there is always the question of whether to send simple plain emails or HTML image-laden emails to customers. In this article, we will explore the pros and cons of each approach.

How to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns with Whitelisting

How to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns with Whitelisting

How to Improve Your Email Marketing Campaigns with WhitelistingBy: Marisa Amirian
Published on: 04/24/2023

Email marketing can be a powerful tool for syndicators looking to raise capital and attract investors for their projects. However, it can be frustrating when your carefully crafted emails end up in spam or promotional folders, rather than in the inboxes of potential investors. That's where whitelisting comes in.
